WARNING: This post contains pornographic images.

These screenshots were taken from Judson ISD's online library catalog. In the second screenshot you can see that the book is located in the Nonfiction section of the school library and is currently available. Please remember that students do not need to check the book out to read it. If they are concerned that their parents might find out, they can read the book in the library during lunch or before or after school.

According to the summary, this book is about a "nonbinary" individual who uses the pronouns "e" and "em". "At the time, it was the only thing e felt comfortable with strangers knowing about em." They are trying to change the language, change how kids think, and indoctrinate kids with different ideas without their parents' knowledge or consent. This is what high school students will see when they read this book and these are scanned pages from the book:

There are other very inappropriate books found in Judson ISD school libraries. See my other posts about this!
What can parents in Judson ISD do?
Tell the school that your child is not allowed to check out any books in the library or read any books in the library. You will provide books from home for silent reading time at school. Send an email to the principal, classroom teacher/s, and school librarian so you have it for documentation. Teachers sometimes have books like this in their classroom libraries, so you can include that your child cannot read books in the teacher's classroom library either.
Email your concerns to the campus principal and district superintendent.
Sign up to voice your concerns at the school board meeting.
Share this information with other parents, church pastors, neighbors, etc.
Form a group of concerned parents to work together to fill out library book reconsideration forms to get the books removed.
What else is going on in your child's school? Get informed and get involved!