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Christians and Their Beliefs Slandered in Plano ISD Library Books

One of the most surprising things to me when I first started researching how schools indoctrinate kids (two years ago this month!) is how Christians and their beliefs are slandered in library books. Here is how Christians are often portrayed:

  • violent, angry groups

  • mothers are distant and unloving

  • fathers are angry and abusive

  • bigots, homophobes

  • closed-minded, simple-minded

To be fair, there are some books that portray Christians in a positive way, but it is disturbing how many books push the Marxist agenda which includes:

  • getting rid of God in schools and society in general (prayer out of school, "under God" taken out of the pledge, etc.)

  • separating kids from their parents and their parents' values so they can be indoctrinated in the Marxist agenda

  • portraying religion as bad (unenlightened, cult, extremist, radical, etc.) because if you don't worship God then the government is your God and they are in control

  • trying to show how Christian beliefs are wrong/sexist/homophobic etc.

  • causing kids to question their faith in a way parents might not agree with or to be embarrassed by their faith

If you don't believe that Marxists infiltrated our schools a long time ago, please read American Marxism by Mark Levin!

Here are books in Plano schools in their own online library catalogs as of today that portray Christians and/or their beliefs in a negative light so that kids are indoctrinated to question their faith and/or not conform to their parents' values. This may not be all of the books! I have included information screenshots from their own online library catalogs showing where the books are located as well as scanned pages from the books. Some of the books are currently checked out, but just because they aren't checked out today doesn't mean they have never been checked out or won't be in the future.

Please note that the anti-Christian themes are throughout the books, and I may have only included a few scanned pages with anti-Christian examples due to the fact that it is impossible to include them all.

If these books are in the school libraries, Plano ISD is obviously fine with slandering Christians and their beliefs. How else are Christians slandered in the district? In classroom discussions with woke teachers? In supplemental videos used for instruction? What is going on in your child's classroom? Get informed and get informed!

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