These books are found in Coppell ISD's own online library catalog. Included are scanned pages from the books.

The above Spanish translation was published in 2019. Below are scanned pages from the English translation, Juliet Takes a Breath, published in 2019:

This is the graphic novel available for students to download as an ebook:

Notice how Christian parents are portrayed in this book. The father has anger issues, and the mother has trouble expressing her love for her son.

"Bishop" is Bishop Andrews who runs Camp Revelation:

pp. 302-308

Here are a few of the books in elementary schools:

Notice the transgender person in the pride flag dress on this page!

This book has been published under the titles George and Melissa both since George is a boy who wants to be a girl and who wants to be called Melissa.

The school principal becomes his "ally" and "mentor" at school since his mother is not okay with George wanting to be a girl.
These are just SOME of the books I found in Coppell ISD school libraries when searching under "gender", "transgender", "gay", "lesbian", "abortion", etc. What is in your child's library? What will the librarian be ordering? Get informed and get involved!