You may have heard that when adults try to convince teenagers that they are or might be transgender, they often tell them that if they feel wrong in their own bodies, then that means they are or might be transgender. Well, here is the proof. This book, Feeling Wrong In Your Own Body: Understand What It Means to Be Transgender explains this concept to kids in a simple easy way that they can understand. Of course, teenagers often feel wrong in their own bodies. That is just part of growing up. But, adults use this to convince kids that they are or might be transgender.
This book is currently on the shelf in the Clear Brook High School Library. Keep in mind that kids can read this book in the library and don't have to check it out.
The cover of the book is disturbing enough, but let's take a look at some of the pages in this book:

Notice how this book gives kids the vocabulary, instructs kids on the topic of how to transition to the opposite gender, includes photos of transgender people, and includes more resources on the topic that kids can access.

Why is this book talking to kids about drag queens??? Why do kids need to know about this? Do they want kids to be drag queens?

On page 32, kids are instructed to find out more on the internet and shown where to find more information.

This page shows kids that 1 out of every 250 kids is transgender. I would like to know where they obtained that statistic, but this attempts to normalize transgenderism for kids. It's apparently very common to be transgender.

In Texas, parents must consent, or opt-in to sex education in the classroom for their kids. This sex education includes transgenderism and non-binary youths. Schools say that they can put sex education library books in the library and let kids read them without parent consent because the law doesn't apply to school library books, only classroom curriculum. So, they use the law as a loophole to allow them to do this.

Why are schools concerned with the gender identity of their students? Shouldn't they just teach the kids how to read, write, and do math (which they aren't doing well enough, to be sure) instead of teaching kids how to be gay, bisexual, transgender etc.? Isn't this the responsibility of the parents?
School libraries say that books like these "fill the gaps" in their libraries. Again, parents should have to give their consent for students to be able to read these books.
What else is in your child's library? Are your school counselors encouraging children to be transgender without informing their parents? Are your child's teachers discussing this in the classrooms? Is the school nurse counseling kids in this area? Get informed and get involved!