Please keep in mind that just because the books are not checked out right now, that doesn't mean they have never been checked out or that kids aren't reading them in the library without checking them out!

These are just SOME of the books in Lovejoy ISD schools that might be giving kids ideas and values that their parents don't approve of without their parents' knowledge or consent. What can parents in Lovejoy ISD do?
· Tell the school that your child is not allowed to check out any books in the library or read any books in the library. You will provide books from home for silent reading time at school. Send an email to the principal, classroom teacher/s, and school librarian so you have it for documentation. Teachers sometimes have books like this in their classroom libraries, so you can include that your child cannot read books in the teacher's classroom library either.
· Email your concerns to the campus principal and district superintendent.
· Sign up to voice your concerns at the school board meeting.
· Share this information with other parents, church pastors, neighbors, etc.
· Form a group of concerned parents to work together to fill out library book reconsideration forms to get the books removed and to support each other when speaking at school board meetings. There is strength in numbers, and if only a few people show up to the meetings the school board will assume that most people don't care.
· Help get conservative candidates elected to the school board. Volunteer to help their campaigns by putting up yard signs, knocking on doors, helping with text messaging campaigns or voicemail campaigns, helping with clerical duties at their campaign headquarters, etc.
What else is going on in your child's school? Get informed and get involved!