I have been a public school teacher in Texas for fifteen years. As a conservative, I have noticed how schools and teachers attempt to indoctrinate students with the political agenda of the American Marxists. These agendas include climate change not backed by science, sexualizing children, indoctrinating even very young children in gender theory and transgenderism, and racially dividing everyone. My blog attempts to educate parents and other concerned citizens by analyzing textbooks, library books, and other materials. These textbooks are on the currently adopted instructional materials bulletin from the Texas Education Agency, and these library books are listed in school districts' own online library catalogs as available for children to check out and/or download as an Ebook. It is my hope that parents and other concerned citizens will become more involved in our schools by asking to read district adopted textbooks, visiting school libraries to read books on the shelves (you will be surprised to learn what your children are reading in the school library), attending school board meetings, and letting your voices be heard! It is also important to talk with your children about videos, discussions, news articles, and other methods teachers may use in class to indoctrinate their students. THANK YOU for your concern and thank you for visiting my blog!! It is time for us conservatives to get involved in our communities and schools to make our voices heard. As Mark Levin stated on page 104 in his book American Marxism, "Today, publishers are pushing out books on CRT at a brisk pace. Educational materials are being used in public school classrooms throughout America to indoctrinate and brainwash children. Schoolteachers are being "re-educated" and trained in Critical Race Theory." He writes on page 85, "Clearly, academia is not merely about teaching students how to think- or in the case of Marxism and CRT, what to think through repetition and indoctrination- but to develop an army of activist revolutionaries." Levin also writes on pages 129-130 that "Another of the intersectional movements that have also grown into powerful political forces involves gender- Critical Gender Theory." He writes on page 134 regarding Critical Gender Theory, "What does this have to do with Marxism? First, recall Marx's war on the nuclear family." He writes on page 137 regarding Critical Gender Theory, "And the activism has reached into classrooms in an increasing number of states." On pages 136-137 he explains, "Schools across the country and around the world have attempted to implement curricula that teach students the nonscientific belief that gender is fluid and subjective, and that traditional beliefs about marriage and family are rooted in bigotry." (This is happening even in rural Texas school districts as I show in my blog posts.) He also explains the need of the extreme left to infiltrate our public schools by writing on pages 47-48, "Thus, the widening of ideologically driven course work and text books in government-run primary and secondary schools. This also explains the war on true academic freedom and campus free speech, through intimidation and even violence against those who teach, write, or speak well of Americanism, or merely challenge, or do not conform to, the Marxist-centric orthodoxy." In fact, Russian Communist Vladimir Lenin said, "“Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.” The American Marxists are indoctrinating our kids so, and this is why we must become informed and involved. Please join me!
A. Teacher,