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Fast Fact

Is there proof that Texas schools racially divide students?

Below is a screen shot of the TEA (Texas Education Agency) accountability statistics for Austin ISD for the school year ending in 2018. I picked Austin ISD because that is our state Capitol, but there is data for every school district in Texas, so you can look up your own school district on their website.

*Notice how Austin ISD only has 52% of its students who meet or exceed the grade level standard in Reading! That is truly pathetic for our state Capitol, which should be an example for the rest of the school districts in Texas and because the TEA is based in Austin!

Also notice that students are separated into different groups not only by race including "Two or More Races" but also economic groups, EL (English Learner) groups, and special education groups. In fact, they separate students into EIGHT different racial groups to assess their performance!! Knowing a student is served in the EL or special education programs would help a teacher with learning interventions. However, racial and economic groups should not make a difference. Right?

Can't all students learn? Haven't people of all racial and economic groups educated themselves and become extremely successful? Unfortunately Marxist teacher groups argue that these things do matter greatly, of course, and that is why they insist and argue that we need SEL (Social Emotional Learning) in our classrooms to address these issues. Pathetic. *(Please see previous post regarding SEL for more information on this highly divisive agenda.)

The question is this:

If a student is failing to meet the grade level standards, does it matter what racial group he or she belongs to??? Would the teacher address the student's learning needs differently if he or she were African American, White, Asian, Hispanic, or students of two or more races? Would a teacher use after-school tutoring for Hispanic children, but not White children or children of two or more races, for example? So, why does it matter? Why separate students' achievement according to race? The fact is that this is the way they think, they cannot help themselves, and by separating students into race they can use this to support their other agendas that do not benefit students.


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