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Lesbians Featured in School District Library Books

This is a description of the book The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag from the Anna ISD online library catalog:

The book is found in many other high schools and middle/junior high schools in various districts including Denton ISD (also downloadable):

Northeast ISD in middle and high school libraries:

Coppell ISD

Plano ISD

McKinney ISD

Richardson ISD

Dallas ISD (also downloadable)

Here are some scanned pages from the book with four female characters:

Why are public schools putting books with lesbian themes and graphic images of lesbians kissing in middle/junior high and high school libraries? Are they trying to sexualize kids? Are they trying to desensitize kids to lesbianism? Is this appropriate for kids? Should kids be able to read and even download this book without their parents' knowledge or consent? Does this book clash with the values of some parents?

It's time to get informed and get involved!


I have not provided a place to comment on my site!  I am simply a concerned "undercover conservative" teacher who wants to inform others.

I ask you to please share this information with other concerned parents and citizens.  You may agree with what I have said, or you may not.  It is okay for people to disagree! Please use my blog to start conversations. It is time that we get off of social media and have genuine authentic conversations with each other.  That is when real change and ACTION happen

Thank you for your concern. God bless you all and God bless America.

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