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Pedophile fiction book in our school libraries

You might be shocked to know that public school children are reading books that describe pedophile relationships between adults and children with some of these books having very graphic descriptions of their sexual encounters. American Marxists want to desensitize children to sex and homosexuality. One such book, Running With Scissors, is a memoir of Augusten Burroughs' childhood. It also describes in detail his relationship with a 33-year-old gay man when he was 14. This book is found in high school libraries in the following school districts and may be found in others as well:

Richardson ISD

Dallas ISD (available as a printed book and as a downloadable ebook)

Plano ISD

Little Elm ISD

Leander ISD

Lubbock ISD

Is this book in your child's school? It might even be on the list to be ordered for their school library.

Here are screenshots for the book. Please keep in mind that children as young as 14 in high school are reading this.

Warning! The following pages contain a very graphic description of lesbian sex.

WARNING! The following pages from the book contain very graphic descriptions of gay sex.

There are laws in Texas that prohibit providing "harmful material" to minors. Let's check the Texas Penal Code to see if making this book available to minors is against Texas law:


Sec. 43.21.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  In this subchapter:
(1)  "Obscene" means material or a performance that:
(A)  the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest in sex;
(B)  depicts or describes:
(i)  patently offensive representations or descriptions of ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including sexual intercourse, sodomy, and sexual bestiality;  or
(ii)  patently offensive representations or descriptions of masturbation, excretory functions, sadism, masochism, lewd exhibition of the genitals, the male or female genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal, covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state or a device designed and marketed as useful primarily for stimulation of the human genital organs;  and
(C)  taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, and scientific value.
(2)  "Material" means anything tangible that is capable of being used or adapted to arouse interest, whether through the medium of reading, observation, sound, or in any other manner, but does not include an actual three dimensional obscene device.
(3)  "Performance" means a play, motion picture, dance, or other exhibition performed before an audience.
(4)  "Patently offensive" means so offensive on its face as to affront current community standards of decency.
(5)  "Promote" means to manufacture, issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail, deliver, transfer, transmit, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, or advertise, or to offer or agree to do the same.
Sec. 43.24.  SALE, DISTRIBUTION, OR DISPLAY OF HARMFUL MATERIAL TO MINOR.  (a)  For purposes of this section:
(1)  "Minor" means an individual younger than 18 years.
(2)  "Harmful material" means material whose dominant theme taken as a whole:
(A)  appeals to the prurient interest of a minor, in sex, nudity, or excretion;
(B)  is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable for minors;  and
(C)  is utterly without redeeming social value for minors.
(b)  A person commits an offense if, knowing that the material is harmful:
(1)  and knowing the person is a minor, he sells, distributes, exhibits, or possesses for sale, distribution, or exhibition to a minor harmful material;
(2)  he displays harmful material and is reckless about whether a minor is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display;  or
(3)  he hires, employs, or uses a minor to do or accomplish or assist in doing or accomplishing any of the acts prohibited in Subsection (b)(1) or (b)(2).
(c)  It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that  the sale, distribution, or exhibition was by a person having scientific, educational, governmental, or other similar justification.

It is clear that this book and others in our public schools are obscene and harmful material and, by law, cannot be provided or made available to minors. The law mentions that harmful material does not have to be a visual representation. It can be a description that is read. The law even mentions that a prosecutor can use the fact that "a person having education justification" distributed obscene material to a minor when prosecuting the case. I think we can all agree that these books "lack literary value" , "appeals to the prurient interest of a minor in sex, nudity, or excretion" and "is utterly without redeeming social value for minors" to quote Texas law. It is time that we start holding teachers, librarians, and public schools accountable for this. They are not above the law.

Get informed and get involved.


I have not provided a place to comment on my site!  I am simply a concerned "undercover conservative" teacher who wants to inform others.

I ask you to please share this information with other concerned parents and citizens.  You may agree with what I have said, or you may not.  It is okay for people to disagree! Please use my blog to start conversations. It is time that we get off of social media and have genuine authentic conversations with each other.  That is when real change and ACTION happen

Thank you for your concern. God bless you all and God bless America.

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