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The EVOLUTION of propaganda in science textbooks

The Marxists have been using science textbooks to indoctrinate children with evolution as scientific fact. The goal is to remove God and morality from everything so that they can put in place their extremely immoral agendas. Marxists do not believe in God, after all.

The following pages are from the Pearson Biology Texas Edition published in 2015 by Savvas and is on the TEA bulletin of adopted instructional materials. This section of Chapter 26 posted below is called "Primate Evolution".

Notice that evolution is presented as the only explanation of how primates exist. At the top of page 766 the textbook states "Humans and other primates evolved from a common ancestor that lived more than 65 million years ago."

If you read this entire section, from chapter 26, you will see no mention of scientists who do not agree with the theory of evolution. In fact, evolution is presented as fact and not a theory. Many scientists disagree with the possibility of evolution; more than 1,000 doctoral scientists have signed the dissent petition at "A Scientific Dissent from Darwin", and you can view the website by clicking below.

In addition, Henry M Morris, PhD wrote an article called "The Scientific Case Against Evolution" explaining that "Belief in evolution is a remarkable phenomenon". He gives reasons for this including the fact that no one has seen evolution happen and that if evolution were true then it would still be occurring, the fact that fossils never show animals in the process of evolving in mid-transition, and the law of increasing entropy which states that systems tend to go downhill towards disorganization instead of evolving into more complex systems. You can see his article by clicking on the button below.

More scientists who disagree with evolution:

As Franklin Harold, retired professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Colorado State University, wrote in his 2001 book "The Way of the Cell" published by Oxford University Press, "There are presently no detailed Darwinian accounts of the evolution of any biological or cellular system, only a variety of wishful speculations." and that "Evolutionists often say 'it evolved', but no one lists all the molecular steps because no one knows what they could be".

An interview with Steven A. Benner, Ph.D. Chemistry, Harvard, prominent origin-of-life researcher and creator of the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, was posted on Huffington Post on December 6, 2013. In it he said, "We have failed in any continuous way to provide a recipe that gets from the simple molecules that we know were present on early Earth to RNA." and "The first paradox is the tendency of organic matter to devolve and to give tar. If you can avoid that, you can start to try to assemble things that are not tarry, but then you encounter the water problem, which is related to the fact that every interesting bond that you want to make is unstable, thermodynamically, with respect to water. If you can solve that problem, you have the problem of entropy, that any of the building blocks are going to be present in a low concentration; therefore, to assemble a large number of those building blocks, you get a gene-like RNA -- 100 nucleotides long -- that fights entropy. And the fourth problem is that even if you can solve the entropy problem, you have a paradox that RNA enzymes, which are maybe catalytically active, are more likely to be active in the sense that destroys RNA rather than creates RNA."

Dr. James M. Tour, Ph.D. an expert in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue with postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford, currently Professor of Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science and NanoEngineering at Rice University stated in a 2016 lecture "From a synthetic chemical perspective, neither I nor any of my colleagues can fathom a prebiotic molecular route to construction of a complex system. We cannot even figure out the prebiotic routes to the basic building blocks of life: carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins. Chemists are collectively bewildered. Hence I say that no chemist understands prebiotic synthesis of the requisite building blocks, let alone assembly into a complex system. That's how clueless we are."

Yet, evolution is presented as fact in this textbook we are discussing, and scientists are presented as understanding exactly how all of this evolution happened. The views of dissenting scientists or the possibility of creation are not even mentioned. Why aren't they mentioned?

These are activities from various Chapters in this textbook:

In the activities form Chapter 6 (see below), the textbook authors want the students to analyze how their daily activities affect the environment, the relationship between resource use and sustainable development, and how the ecological footprint of America compares to the world average. So, here the extreme left attempts to indoctrinate students with their climate change environment agenda.

In the activities from Chapter 15, the textbook authors want the students to explore genetic engineering including copying the DNA of living organisms and how genes from one organism can be inserted into another. And, the authors want students to know that genetic engineering can benefit agriculture and industry. In the Chapter Resources, students can read about "Genetic Engineering News" from Scientific American. This is how the extreme left indoctrinates students into their DNA/RNA genetic modification agenda.

In Chapter 16 of the textbook, students learn about Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Notice that none of the activities present this as a theory. His theory is presented as fact.

Chapter 19 teaches students more about evolution and the key questions include "How fast does evolution take place?", "What are two patterns of macroevolution?", and "What characteristics are typical of coevolving species?" in order to further indoctrinate students in the Marxist evolution agenda.

In conclusion:

Several different biology textbooks have been adopted by the TEA. I recommend that you look at your child's science textbook to find out what your school district is teaching your child. It is your right to know!

Perhaps Marxists promote evolution because it fits into their transhumanism agenda. As Claus Schwab, the Marxist globalist from the World Economic Forum, wrote in his book Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution:

“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” and that

“Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”

Schwab also writes about "active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies” as being a part of this positive revolution.

So, the Marxist globalists want us to fuse computers with our bodies so that we can live forever. Basically, humans will evolve into computers. If you don't believe in God, this is how you can achieve everlasting life.

We all need to get informed and get involved!


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