Library Books in Plano ISD
Critical Race Theory, Christians and Their Values Being Slandered, Sexually Explicit, Rape Fiction, Abortion, Sex Education, etc. library books are in Plano ISD school libraries.
You can search the online library catalogs for "racism", "sex", "rape fiction", "abortion", etc. to find just SOME of these books. Social Emotional Learning, or SEL, is taught in a lot of Plano ISD library books. The LGBTQ agenda is often taught to children through SEL curriculum and library books. CRT, or Critical Race Theory, is being taught in our public schools. Plano ISD has many books that teach CRT in elementary, middle school, high school, and senior high school libraries. CRT is the theory that there are oppressors and the oppressed, and these are divided along racial lines. Some people have automatic privilege granted to them by the color of their skin. Some people are automatically victims of systemic racism because of the color of their skin. Obviously, children who are taught this theory have a negative view of themselves either as victims or oppressors. Mark Levin describes CRT very well in his book American Marxism, and he details how schools are teaching it from Pre-K though the university levels. Another good book on the subject is Race Marxism by James Lindsay.
Searching the Plano ISD library catalog under "racism" returns over 500 results in all schools (see image below). Click on the blog button above to see just SOME of the books and scanned pages from the books.