These are found in Plano ISD's own online library catalog when searching under "transgender", "gender", "gender nonconforming, etc. All of these books are found in elementary and/or middle schools!
To use the online catalog, go to the district website, Department, Library, and then go to "PISD Online Resources and Catalog" where you can search the entire district at once:

Below are screenshots of JUST SOME of the books, the book locations in Plano ISD, and scanned pages from the books:

George has also been published under the title Melissa because George is a boy who wants to be a girl called Melissa:

Because George's mother does not support his choice to be girl, the SCHOOL PRINCIPAL becomes his "mentor" and "ally" and "her door is always open" to him.

The following are scanned pages from Amazon.com's preview of the book Identity:

What other books are in your child's school library? What books is the librarian going to order? Get informed and get involved!