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Lucky by Alice Sebold: Graphic descriptions of rape and sexual acts

Notice that this book has been checked out 55 times even though it is currently not checked out. Remember, though, that kids can read the book in the library. They don't have to check it out! provides excerpts from inappropriate library books, and I have included their excerpts from Lucky below. This book is at two high schools in Richardson ISD. Remember that in RISD, high school is 9th-12th grades. Should fourteen-year-olds be reading this? Should eighteen-year-olds be reading this even if they are of "legal age"? Would you want your daughter to read this? They often justify having books like this in school libraries by saying they have "literary merit" or that they "fill the gaps in our libraries". What literary merit does this book have? What do kids learn about literature from reading this? What's wrong with reading the classics like Jane Eyre or Charles Dickens? Those have literary merit. What "gaps" will this book fill? The "sexually explicit gap"? The "rape gap"? I warn you again, this is very graphic and disturbing:

If this bothers you, please sign up to read from it or another book featured on this site at the next Richardson ISD board meeting. Make your voice heard. Get informed and get involved so we can save our kids!

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