Belton ISD is actively promoting racist Critical Race Theory to its students. The proof is in the library books it chooses to purchase and provide for students to check out of the library or read in the library.
If you aren't familiar with Critical Race Theory, please read my blog in the archives on my homepage titled "CRT History and Explanation in Five Minutes" from June 5, 2022. The button below will take you to my homepage.
If Belton ISD supports kids reading these books in the library, what is being discussed in class? What videos are being shown to kids from YouTube? What writing assignments are kids being given? Many teachers have been indoctrinated in CRT from K-12 and in college. (Go to my Homepage and see my recent blog from September 1 titled "CRT: Texas College and University Classes".)
These library books in Belton ISD that discuss negative character traits associated with "being white" and "whiteness" are definitely racist. Critical Race Theory is all about teaching people to be racists. Racism is giving a negative trait to an entire race of people based on their skin color (white people are racist, for example). These are JUST SOME of the anti-white racist library books in Belton ISD school libraries. As you read the scanned pages from these books, ask yourself:
How will white kids feel about themselves after reading these books?
How will kids who aren't white feel about themselves after reading these books?
How will kids feel about each other after reading these books?
Are these books meant to help kids get along with each other, or are these books written to divide kids and make them dislike/distrust each other?
Isn't it emotional child abuse to make a child feel that they are automatically oppressed or evil based on their skin color? Should kids be made to believe that they must atone for evil done by previous members of their race or that they have systemic obstacles to their success that they cannot overcome no matter how hard they work?
Also, if this is what they give kids to read, what are they discussing in class? You might want to ask your kids!
These are library books in Belton ISD school libraries in their own online library catalog as of Tuesday, Sept. 26. I began searching in the Belton HS library, then expanded it from there to all Belton ISD libraries. That is why Belton ISD is on every screenshot whether the book is located there or not, then it shows locations on other campuses.
Remember to ask yourself what this is teaching kids. What is the educational value?

(The police officer in this narrative is white. Rashad, the narrator, is black.)

Before you think An American Story is a patriotic picture book for K-3 about how our country is the best in the world, think again!

Emancipation is a good part of our history, but this picture book implies that slavery is the main part of our history. It also attempts to make young K-3 children feel guilty about it.

If your school district says it doesn't teach CRT, then you may want to ask why this book comes complete with an educator guide (see below).

The police officer is white.

(hardback edition)

(paperback edition)

In this book, notice how white parents are portrayed. Of course, the child knows better!

As we saw in several of the books, they want to turn kids into activists for the Marxist CRT and LGBTQ agendas that have infiltrated our schools. This book is also in Belton ISD:

Were you surprised how white people, including white police officers are portrayed in these books? These are just some of the anti-white racist books in Belton ISD school libraries SO FAR. Remember that they are ordering more books this year. What will they be ordering? You can go to any school library website, search for books, change the location to Belton ISD, and search the entire district. Search under "racist", "racism", "prejudice", "privilege", etc. to find more books like this.
You have been reading about "the legacy of white privilege", "implicit bias", "pillars of whiteness", "white solidarity", "the seductive mythical neutrality of whiteness", etc. in these books. This is racism against white people. Racism against any race is wrong and we need to call it out.
Here are the goals of Belton ISD posted on their website:

Let's look at goal #4. Do you think all students will feel valued and supported after reading these books?
Obviously the Marxists have infiltrated Belton ISD with their CRT agenda, and they are not finished. They ultimately want your kids to be activists for them in their agendas, including CRT that divides people into groups teaching that one race is the oppressor and the other races are the oppressed. What can you do to get informed and get involved?
Elect conservatives to your school board.
Convince your school board (since one the main functions of the school board is to adopt district policies) to adopt a policy that prohibits any library book or supplemental material or class assignment that promotes CRT (since there is already a law in Texas that bans the teaching of CRT in our schools).
Find out what your kids are talking about in class, what supplemental materials are being used, what assignments are being given etc. and monitor this constantly.
Share with other parents and get as many involved as you can. If you only have ten parents at a school board meeting talking about this, then they assume very few people care about it.
Request that your child be opted out of checking out anything (or downloading anything) from their school library or reading anything in the school library. If they need a silent reading book, then you can provide one from home for them to use in class.
Thank you for caring. It's time for everyone to get informed and get involved!