This book is a graphic novel about students who try to kill their teacher, or sensei. It's in a video game/surreal kind of plot. There are obvious problems with this. Visuals and graphics stick in a kid's mind. If a student is having mental or emotional issues, it is easy to see how that student might read this book and take things too far. Obviously, no one wants to see a student waiting for their teacher in the parking lot with a weapon. Is this what kids should be reading about in their school library?
This is today's search for this book in all libraries in Northeast ISD. There are eBooks as well as physical copies of this book in multiple volumes, all with the same theme of students trying to kill their teacher.

Summaries of some of the volumes:

Volume 1 is found in Churhill's library. Notice that 6 copies are currently checked out. This volume is also in six other middle and high schools on the right-hand side of this screenshot. Most of them are currently checked out. Please scroll down to see some scanned pages from Volume 1 of Assassination Classroom:

Volume 2 of Assassination Classroom:

Volume 17 of Assassination Classroom:

These are scanned pages from just three of the volumes in Northeast ISD school libraries. What else are your kids being exposed to at school? Get informed and get involved!