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A. Teacher

This blog will show just SOME OF the books that students have checked out of the school library. You will see screenshots from the Denton ISD's own online library catalogs showing Braswell High School's library books, shelf locations for the books, and scanned pages from them. You can also see if the book is checked out, lost (which means it was checked out at some point), or available on the shelf for kids to read in the library (if they are afraid their parents would find out that they checked it out). Some books have not been checked out often or are not currently checked out; please note that students can read these books IN THE LIBRARY without checking them out. Some books are recent additions to the library and, thus, have not been checked out a lot of times YET. Also, high schoolers show everything to their friends. Just because a book has only been checked out one time, that doesn't mean only one student has read it! And, even one kid reading these books is too many. Also, keep in mind that we are looking at books checked out from only ONE high school in Denton ISD. The other high schools have many inappropriate books as well.

Some books are also available as E-books and/or audiobooks that kids that download, and some are available only as E-books.

I have included several scanned pages of each book, and please know that this isn't all of the inappropriate material found in these books. This is just to give you an idea of what the book contains. These books obviously have no place in a public school library at any level.

All information regarding library books and their locations are current as of when I researched them for my blog. As you read scanned pages from these books, remind yourself that these books are in a school library!

Warning! Scanned pages from these books contain profanity, drug use, and visual or written descriptions of sex, homosexual sex, rape, abortion, child sexual abuse, pornography, fictional police brutality, violence, etc.

You may have heard that people try to convince kids that they are or could be transgender by telling them that if they feel wrong in their own body, then they are or might be transgender. Every adolescent feels wrong in his or her own body at times! Scanned pages from this book show how kids are taught the vocabulary for transgenderism, how to transition, resources on the internet to learn more about transgenderism, that being transgender is normal (pictures of transgender people, graphic showing how many teens are transgender without showing where they got that information, etc.), what drag queens are and other information parents might not want their kids reading about. If kids don't want to carry this book around because of the title, they can always read it in the library. It is there on the shelf waiting for them!


When you search Braswell High School library's online catalog of books under the search term "white nationalists", two results are shown. Notice that these are books about white nationalists, not white supremacists.

What is wrong with being white or vigorously supporting the interests of your own country? How is this hatred????



Tomboy is being checked out in English and Spanish. Unfortunately, I only have scanned pages from the English version of the book.


These are just SOME of the extremely inappropriate books that Braswell High School students are checking out of their school libraries and/or reading in the library without their parents' knowledge or consent. Schools will defend these books being in their libraries saying that these books "fill gaps" in their libraries. What gaps? The child indoctrination gaps? The racist gaps? The abortion education gaps? The pedophilia including students with their teachers gaps? The graphic descriptions of sex, including gay sex, gaps? The turning children against their parents' values gaps?

What can parents (and people whose taxes go to pay for this garbage in their public schools) in Denton ISD do?

·         Tell the school that your child is not allowed to check out any books in the library or read any books in the library. You will provide books from home for silent reading time at school. Send an email to the principal, classroom teacher/s, and school librarian so you have it for documentation. Teachers sometimes have books like this in their classroom libraries, so you can include that your child cannot read books in the teacher's classroom library either.

·         Email your concerns to the campus principal and district superintendent.

·         Sign up to voice your concerns at the school board meeting.

·         Share this information with other parents, church pastors, neighbors, etc.

·         Form a group of concerned parents to work together to fill out library book reconsideration forms to get the books removed and to support each other when speaking at school board meetings. There is strength in numbers, and if only a few people show up to the meetings the school board will assume that most people don't care.

·         Help get conservative candidates elected to the school board. Volunteer to help their campaigns by putting up yard signs, knocking on doors, helping with text messaging campaigns or voicemail campaigns, helping with clerical duties at their campaign headquarters, etc.

What else is going on in your child's school? Braswell High School sees nothing wrong with putting this content in school libraries and making it available to kids for them to read. So, what are they discussing with kids in class? What are they reading with kids in class? What are they sharing with kids? What are they asking kids? What surveys do they ask kids to fill out at school? Get informed and get involved!


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