Where do all of these woke teachers, librarians, and counselors come from?
Teachers can get alternative certification if they have a bachelor's degree in anything including Womens and Gender Studies, Sociology, LatinX Studies, etc. All students take electives from different departments for their bachelor's degree. Let's examine some of the courses offered in different departments at different universities and colleges in Texas. Notice how these courses focus on key elements of Critical Race Theory: white privilege and systemic racism. Notice the CRT code words: diversity, cultural, multicultural, equity, equality, justice, etc. Also, notice that these classes are in many different departments: education, sociology, anthropology, public health, sports medicine, linguistics, and more.
These classes perpetuate the idea of privilege and victimhood based on race. They also foster the idea of systemic racism. However, many people in minority groups have been successful. Below is just one of the many books that point this out.
So that claim is unfounded. (Who runs every major system in America? Liberals run the public education system, large corporations, the health system, the justice system and more. IF THERE IS systemic racism in these systems, then it is the liberals who are creating that!) Unfortunately, by the time they leave college many future teachers, librarians, and counselors have been indoctrinated in CRT and go on to indoctrinate their own students.